NCSC Coaching Requirements
All coaches are required to have completed the Free Introductory USSF Grassroots coaches training or equivalent(F/E License) or higher and pass the Carroll County Rec and Parks background check annually. As your team progresses in age, NCSC will reimburse coaches for further Grassroots courses (i.e. 9v9, 11v11) taken online or in person.
NCSC Travel Coaching Requirements
A qualified coach should have a minimum of two years of coaching experience. Coaches will be expected to further their licensing and training to the level and skill of the age/gender group they are coaching. A US Soccer Grassroots course applicable to your age group (7v7, 9v9, 11v11) taken in person, is the minimum requirement for all travel team coaches and assistant coaches of NCSC and must be obtained within 12 months of joining the organization.
Coaching Links
Coaches Volunteer Form
USSF License Info
CCRP Background Check (Submit Background Check, MUST be completed yearly)
Approved Volunteers (Check your badge status and when it expires)
Travel Coaches Field Request Form
Coaching Resources
MOJO Sports
MOJO Coaches Corner - Soccer
Soccer Drive - Coaching Resource
United Soccer Coaches
US Youth Soccer
If desired, coaches may continue their education beyond the minimum required US Soccer Grassroots license, however approval for reimbursement must be formally requested and acquired from the Executive Council prior to registration and participation in the course. NCSC will not reimburse any related travel costs for the courses. For more information contact